Sytemap uses geospatial technology to bring convenience, transparency and trust to the real estate transactions.
We Transform tomorrow’s innovations into today’s customer-centric solutions.
For Real Estate Develoeprs
Unleash the power of trust and transparency to grow your real estate revenue.
For Buyers
For Agents
For Startups
Here are some of the interesting features and experiences powered by Sytemap
Using Sytemap, Leadway enables its clients to virtually choose their desired plots online make secure direct cash deposits and see their plots reserved for them instantly.
This also helps Leadway to know who paid, which plot they paid for and when it was paid without any bank account reconciliation.
Anorld and Associates wants to streamline its Agents registration and manges their transactions.
Using Sytemap, Anorld and Associates enables its Agents to effortlessly signup, access all it’s Estate projects pay them instact commision when their clients make payments via Sytemap.
bamboo real estate uses Sytemap to create more assurance for their clients by issuing them a verifiable digital Certificate of Allocation.
Using Sytemap, AlphaMead clients and Agents can virtually access their estate projects online.
This will help their clients to verify estate locations and choose desired units or plots.